In The News
News articles that feature John Muir Project activities or quotes from JMP staff.
Fire Aftermath: Watching a Forest Grow Anew
By David Downey
The Press Enterprise
Chad Hanson tromped uphill through blue-green shrubs, over charcoal-black logs and around fire-red wildflowers. Then he stopped.
With tiny rivulets of water dripping off his nose and head in a light rain, Hanson issued a challenge: See any pine seedlings? Slowly, a pair of visitors craned necks and pointed to a 6-inch baby pine tree here, a 1-foot seedling there.
View ArticleWildlife Group Seeks Help for California Spotted Owl
By Scott Smith, Associated Press
KSL News
Steep declines in owl populations and unchecked logging of mature/old forest and post-fire “snag” forest necessitate the listing of the California Spotted Owl under the Endangered Species Act.
View ArticleWildlife Groups Sue Feds Over California Logging
By Scott Smith, Associated Press
The San Diego Union-Tribune
Environmentalists filed a lawsuit Thursday against a federal agency, saying it aims to protect the California spotted owl living in the burned forests marked for logging after the third-largest wildfire in state history.
View ArticleCalifornia Spotted Owls Using Burned Sierra Forest Slated for Logging
By Chris Clarke
33 breeding pairs of the declining spotted owls have taken up residence in burned forest in the Rim Fire area, will these homeranges be destroyed by logging or protected?
View ArticleFire Suppression and Illegal Marijuana Cultivation Threaten Rare Pacific Fishers
By Christie Turner
High Country News
The Pacific fisher, a small, carnivorous forest-dwelling mammal, is a candidate for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act this year, and big wildfire could be to blame – or rather, the lack of it.
View ArticleStudy Challenges Views About Western Forest Fires
By Scott Sonner, Associated Press
Scientists using field notes from surveys first conducted by the government before the Civil War believe they’ve gained a better understanding of how Western wildfires behaved historically.
View ArticleProtection Sought for Rare Woodpecker
By Scott Sonner, Associated Press
The Spokesman-Review
Smokey Bear has done such a good job stamping out forest fires the past half-century that a woodpecker that’s survived for millions of years is in danger of going extinct.
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