Public Education

Everyday we are faced with fundamental and seismic changes in the world, bombarded with information and misinformation circulating on every topic imaginable.

That is why JMP works so hard to set the record straight when it comes to science, government policy and agnecy actions related to forests, climate, biodiversity, fire and logging. We provide information to the public, journalists and Congress to increase knowledge, alter perspectives and facilitate change.



JMP, and JMP in combination with our partners, curate interactive discussions which tackle i pressing topics related to forests, climate, biodiversity, wildfire and logging to help bring a universal understanding to these issues and the work we do.

Upcoming presentations

Coming Soon!


Sometimes all you need is one or two pages that describe in detail a specific issue or policy. Look no further than a JMP Factsheet.

Sign On Letters

JMP signs on to letters with coalition partners, joining forces to uplift and amplify NGO, constituent and community concerns, and to push for change.

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.

John Muir