“Fix Our Forests Act” is Just Another Destructive Logging Bill in Disguise

In the wake of recent wildfires that have devastated numerous human communities, Representatives Bruce Westerman (R-AR) and Scott Peters (D-CA) have introduced the “Fix Our Forests Act.” The bill, touted as a solution to enhance forest health and protect towns from wildfires, in reality is a logging bill that would roll back bedrock environmental laws and would actually increase, not decrease, the threats to vulnerable communities.

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Biden Old-Growth Amendment is Logging Plan in Disguise

June 21, 2024

The Biden Administration’s new Old-Growth Amendment Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) surprisingly endorses commercial logging in old-growth forests, under the guise of wildfire management and forest health. This draft allows the logging of mature and old-growth trees, contradicting extensive scientific research, including studies by the U.S. Forest Service itself, which show that such practices worsen wildfire risks. Ignoring pleas from over 200 scientists, the administration’s plan prioritizes logging over genuine forest protection, putting these vital ecosystems and surrounding communities at greater risk.

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Biden Old-Growth Amendment is Logging Plan in Disguise

The Biden Administration’s new Old-Growth Amendment Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) predictably endorses commercial logging in old-growth forests, under the guise of wildfire management and forest health. This draft allows the logging of mature and old-growth trees, contradicting extensive scientific research, including studies by the U.S. Forest Service itself, which show that such practices worsen wildfire risks. Ignoring pleas from over 200 scientists, the administration’s plan prioritizes logging over genuine forest protection, putting these vital ecosystems and surrounding communities at greater risk.

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Letter: Deforestation a Primary Driver of Climate Change

May 17, 2024
By Letters to the Editor, Jean Marquardt
Chico Enterprise-Record

The insurance crisis really hit home this week when my Chico home insurance premium doubled. These insurance companies have been requiring home hardening modifications because they are aware of wildfire risk and are minimizing risk. However, our government seems to be moving towards creating more risk of wildfires.

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