JMP and Partners Sue Forest Service Over Giant Logging Project Masquerading as ‘Community Protection’

Media Contact: Josh Hart, Spokesperson, Feather River Action! [email protected] Chad Hanson, Ph.D., Ecologist John Muir Project [email protected], 530-273-9290 John Preschutti, Plumas Forest Project [email protected] Community Groups Sue U.S. Forest Service over Unprecedented Plumas Forest Logging Plan that Would Increase Rural Towns’ Wildfire Vulnerability The Massive $650 Million Logging Project Targets Mature and Old-Growth Forest, While…

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JMP and Colleagues Publish Landmark Study Finding Giant Sequoias Regenerate Best in High-Severity Fire Areas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Landmark Study Finds Giant Sequoias Thrive in Severe Wildfire Areas Contact: Chad Hanson, Ph.D., [email protected], 530-273-9290 Tonja Chi, M.S., [email protected] Maya Khosla, M.S., [email protected] Bryant Baker, M.S., [email protected] Michael Dorsey, Ph.D., [email protected] A new scientific study, published today in the peer-reviewed journal Ecology and Evolution, reports that iconic giant sequoias in California’s…

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Over 200 Scientists and Over 200 Environmental Groups Urge Biden to Protect Mature and Old-Growth Forests for Real

In early 2024, over 200 scientists and over 200 environmental and environmental justice groups signed letters to the Biden Administration, urging the Administration to completely protect all mature and old-growth forests on federal public lands from logging, including “thinning”, and regardless of the reasons that federal land agencies claim for wanting to sell public trees…

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Forest Service Sued for Approving Plumas Forest Logging Project

By Samantha Hawkins
Bloomberg Law

The US Forest Service approved a logging project in the Plumas National Forest without adequately assessing its environmental effects, environmental groups said in a lawsuit filed Friday in California federal court. The $650 million Central/West Slope Project plans to log and burn 217,721 acres of mature and old-growth habitat in Plumas National Forest, located in the northern Sierra Nevadas, John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute and other groups said in the lawsuit.

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