JMP Leads Letter From 200+ Scientists and 200+ Organizations Urging Biden to Fully Protect Mature and Old-Growth Forests From Logging

February 2, 2024 President Joe Biden Cc: Ali Zaidi, National Climate Advisor, The White House; Stephenne Harding, Council on Environmental Quality; Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture; Deb Haaland, Secretary of Interior; Tracy Stone-Manning, Director of Bureau of Land Management, Re: Request for an Executive Order to Place a Moratorium on Mature and Old-Growth Logging…

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The Logjam in Biden’s $50 Billion Dollar Wildfire Plan

By Paul Koberstein & Jessica Applegate
Undark Op-Ed

On Maui, a solitary beachfront home, unscorched by the wildfire that devastated the town of Lahaina in August, stands amid the ashes of dozens of incinerated homes. And in Northern California, a large, mostly unscathed forest mysteriously surrounds the devastated town of Paradise, lost five years ago to another wildfire.

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After More Than 100 Years, Gray Wolves Reappear in Giant Sequoia National Monument

By Louis Sahagún
Los Angeles Times

On the morning of July 6, Michelle Harris saw a huge canid with yellow eyes dash across a fire road lined with charred snags and giant sequoias blackened by recent wildfires. The animal “paused, started to pace and made clipped barking sounds — like it was very worried about something,” recalled Harris, a biologist who was working on a restoration project in the area.

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Environmental Groups Sue US Forest Service Over Plans to Thin 13,000 Acres of Forest Near Big Bear

ABC7 News | “The problem is that the approach the Forest Service is taking,” said Chad Hanson with the John Muir Project. “Using big machines to cut down tens of thousands of trees out in the remote wildlands, as opposed to focusing on the homes themselves and the zone immediately around the homes. That makes all the difference in terms of whether home survive or not.”

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