
Scientists Push Back on Misleading Forest Service-funded Study on Spotted Owls and the King Fire

September 16, 2016

                                               Long range photo looking into King Fire Burn Area, March 2015. Photo Credit Chad Hanson  A recent study funded and housed by the Forest Service claimed that the 2014 King fire resulted…

JMP to Gov. Brown’s Tree Mortality Task Force: Snags Don’t Increase Fire Intensity.

September 16, 2016

Photo looking into beetle kill area, May 2016. Sierra National Forest. Photo Credit: Chad Hanson.   California Governor Jerry Brown invited the John Muir Project’s Dr. Chad Hanson to a discussion with several scientists affiliated with the U.S. Forest Service and the Governor’s administration at the Governor’s offices in Sacramento, CA in July 2016.  Despite the high…

Last Chance to Tell the Forest Service: Preserve Remaining Snag Forest Habitat in the Rim Fire Area! Please Take Action by July 27, 2016.

July 20, 2016

Wildflowers in Rim Fire Snag Forest: Stanislaus National Forest, June 2016.  Photo Credit: Chad Hanson. The Stanislaus National Forest is in the process of finalizing their Rim fire “Reforestation” decision which will determine whether they will maintain the unlogged high intensity burned areas which still exist in the National Forest portion of the Rim Fire…

Christmas In June? Yes, “Clearcuts for Christmas” Legislation is back, and its as bad as ever!

June 8, 2016

We need your help to put this draft legislation on the right track. Comments are due to the Committee by Monday, June 13, 2016, please send in yours today!

Help Save Spotted Owls, Black-backed Woodpeckers, and Shrub-Nesting Birds in the Rim Fire!

March 17, 2016

Don’t let the remaining biodiverse snag forest habitat in the Rim Fire . . .    turn into another sterilized clearcut to subsidize the biomass industry at taxpayer expense! The Stanislaus National Forest has already heavily logged, and clearcut, over 8,000 acres of wildlife-rich “snag forest habitat” on national forest lands in the Rim fire area,…

Governor Brown – Wrong on State of Emergency to Remove Dead Trees From Forests!

February 26, 2016

Last fall Governor Brown issued a State of Emergency Proclamation, calling natural and beneficial tree mortality, which has resulted from several years of drought, a crisis and vowing to subsidize a massive commercial program to remove dead trees without limit, ostensibly to protect our forests and communities from fire.  Governor Brown’s statements represent a colossal…

Don’t Let Bundy and his Seditious Militia Convince Lawmakers to Give Away our Public Lands!

January 7, 2016

By now you have probably heard about the Bundy Militia which has taken over and is occupying under threat of violence the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon.   These disgruntled ranchers, loggers and miners have decided that federal public lands belong to them and no-one else. Even though ranching, mining and logging are…

Language of Logging Rider Leaked, Clearcuts for Christmas Still On the Table – We Still Need Calls!

December 15, 2015

Wow, is all we can say!  The language in this WildfireFundingFix_and_LoggingRider2015 is simply a giveaway to the federal timber sales program and logging interests nationwide.  This “Clearcuts for Christmas” Logging Rider is not good for the taxpayers, it isn’t good for forest ecosystems, it won’t protect communities from future fire and it would permit the destruction of millions of…

Help Stop Republicans From Forcing U.S. Spending Bills to Include Destructive Logging Provisions!

December 2, 2015

Even while leaders from around the world are attending the Climate Change Conference in Paris to develop policies which will stall and hopefully reverse the effects of Global Climate Change, climate change denying Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate are threatening to hold U.S. spending bills (the funding that runs the government) hostage unless Democrats agree to include destructive logging provisions, which will exacerbate climate change, in the appropriations package.

Over 260 Scientists Urge Senate: Don’t Pass Post-Fire Logging Bills

September 23, 2015

Over 260 Scientist from across the country have sent a letter to the Senate and President Obama urging them to oppose two public lands logging bills, which the scientists say would be very destructive to forest ecosystems and wildlife on National Forests and other federal public forestlands. The bills, HR 2647 and S 1691, which promote widespread logging of burned and unburned forest, mostly in remote areas of federal public forestlands, will not improve forest health, reduce fire risks or protect communities. Join the Scientists today – Call your Senator and the President to oppose this harmful legislation!

Help Stop Destructive Logging Bills in Congress!

August 19, 2015

Calls Needed to Senator Dianne Feinstein and Others to stop logging bills HR2647 and S.1691 which are currently being considered by the U.S. Senate. Both of these bills would weaken or eliminate environmental laws and close the courthouse doors to the public, all while doubling or tripling logging levels on federal public lands in both green and burned forest. These bills, or any compromise bill would be a disaster for native biodiversity and the health of our public forests and would simply create subsidies for logging corporations at great expense to taxpayers. Take Action Today!

Welcome to the new John Muir Project Website!

December 15, 2014

We hope you find the content interesting and compelling. Let us know what you think, signup for our newsletter or to volunteer and please comeback and visit often!

Our First Post

December 15, 2014

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by our blog. Soon we’ll be posting here regularly about topics of interest. Check back often for updates!

The battle we have fought, and are still fighting for the forests is a part of the eternal conflict between right and wrong, and we cannot expect to see the end of it. … So we must count on watching and striving for these trees, and should always be glad to find anything so surely good and noble to strive for.

John Muir, "The National Parks and Forest Reservations" in a speech by John Muir
(Proceedings of the Meeting of the Sierra Club Held November 23, 1895.) Published in Sierra Club Bulletin, (1896)