Conservationists Urge Congress: Keep It Clean on Year End Spending Bills

No Anti-environmental Riders on Government Funding!


As Congress attempts to keep the government open as the year comes to a close , conservationists voice their concern over controversial provisions which would roll back environmental laws, weaken protections for endangered species and exacerbate climate change.  From Gray Wolves, to National Forests, to the Sage Grouse, Republicans are threatening our natural heritage by not funding protection of these endangered species, and by ramping up logging with only minimal environmental review.  Republicans also do not want the public to know the extent of greenhouse gas emissions associated with livestock grazing on public lands and how that contributes to climate change.  It is imperative to the health of our ecosystems and planet that these controversial anti-environment riders are not allowed to be passed in any funding bill.  To members of Congress we say #KeepitClean!

Click To Read the Letter:    LtrFromConservationistsAgainstEnvirRidersOnFundingBills