Biden Old-Growth Amendment is Logging Plan in Disguise

The Biden Administration’s new Old-Growth Amendment Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) predictably endorses commercial logging in old-growth forests, under the guise of wildfire management and forest health. This draft allows the logging of mature and old-growth trees, contradicting extensive scientific research, including studies by the U.S. Forest Service itself, which show that such practices worsen wildfire risks. Ignoring pleas from over 200 scientists, the administration’s plan prioritizes logging over genuine forest protection, putting these vital ecosystems and surrounding communities at greater risk.

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JMP and Partners Sue Forest Service Over Giant Logging Project Masquerading as ‘Community Protection’

Media Contact: Josh Hart, Spokesperson, Feather River Action! [email protected] Chad Hanson, Ph.D., Ecologist John Muir Project [email protected], 530-273-9290 John Preschutti, Plumas Forest Project [email protected] Community Groups Sue U.S. Forest Service over Unprecedented Plumas Forest Logging Plan that Would Increase Rural Towns’ Wildfire Vulnerability The Massive $650 Million Logging Project Targets Mature and Old-Growth Forest, While…

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JMP and Colleagues Publish Landmark Study Finding Giant Sequoias Regenerate Best in High-Severity Fire Areas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Landmark Study Finds Giant Sequoias Thrive in Severe Wildfire Areas Contact: Chad Hanson, Ph.D., [email protected], 530-273-9290 Tonja Chi, M.S., [email protected] Maya Khosla, M.S., [email protected] Bryant Baker, M.S., [email protected] Michael Dorsey, Ph.D., [email protected] A new scientific study, published today in the peer-reviewed journal Ecology and Evolution, reports that iconic giant sequoias in California’s…

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JMP Leads Letter From 200+ Scientists and 200+ Organizations Urging Biden to Fully Protect Mature and Old-Growth Forests From Logging

February 2, 2024 President Joe Biden Cc: Ali Zaidi, National Climate Advisor, The White House; Stephenne Harding, Council on Environmental Quality; Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture; Deb Haaland, Secretary of Interior; Tracy Stone-Manning, Director of Bureau of Land Management, Re: Request for an Executive Order to Place a Moratorium on Mature and Old-Growth Logging…

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Over 200 Top U.S. Climate and Forest Scientists Urge Congress: Protect Forests to Mitigate Climate Crisis

As multiple current legislative proposals attempt to shoehorn measures that would increase logging, or increase funding for logging, into COVID-19 stimulus packages, over 200 top U.S. climate and forest scientists are now asking Congressional leaders to avoid using the pandemic emergency as a means for stripping away forest protections and promoting logging

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CALL Gov. Newsom TODAY! Urge Him to Use Housing Funds to Help Fire-Affected Communities Rather than Log Wildlife Habitat in the Rim Fire.

California received $70 million dollars in funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that was supposed to help communities affected by wildfire. Instead of using this money to assist people in communities where many homes were lost during recent fires (like Paradise or Santa Rosa), California is planning to use these…

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Feinstein, Brown Promote Misinformed and Destructive Logging Programs

March 8, 2016
By Chad Hanson, Ph.D.
Earth Island Journal Online

Dead trees in our forests do not increase fire risk, they create rare and extremely biodiverse habitat necessary for the health of our forests and California wildlife. While politicians such as Senator Feinstein and Governor Brown are using natural processes such as fire and increases in native bark beetle populations to propose tax payer funded increases in logging across State and Federal lands, the science is telling us this is the wrong way to go.

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