CALL Gov. Newsom TODAY! Urge Him to Use Housing Funds to Help Fire-Affected Communities Rather than Log Wildlife Habitat in the Rim Fire.
California received $70 million dollars in funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that was supposed to help communities affected by wildfire. Instead of using this money to assist people in communities where many homes were lost during recent fires (like Paradise or Santa Rosa), California is planning to use these…
Read MoreUrge the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to STOP Funding Logging in California’s Forests!
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Read MoreLogging Didn’t Stop the Camp Fire
Since the Camp Fire burned there has been a lot of discussion in the media and much chest pounding from pro-logging advocates and politicians, including of course President Trump, that if only California would log more of its forests, towns and lives would be saved. Nothing could be further from the truth, and in this…
Read MoreCALLS NEEDED NOW: To Keep Dangerous Logging Provisions out of the Farm Bill
With the Camp and Woolsey fires in California on the verge of being put out, and the shocking loss of thousands of homes, 80+ lives and hundreds still missing settling in, people are looking for answers as they try to understand how a tragedy such as this can be prevented in the future. But not…
Read MoreSave the Date #GivingTuesday
Happy Giving Season! #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday-NOVEMBER 27-following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. We at John Muir…
Read MoreHelp Protect Rim Fire Habitat- Please Send your Email Today!
Habitat in the Rim Fire is under threat and we need your help today! A state agency, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, is planning to use Federal taxpayer dollars, which were supposed to help communities recover from natural disasters, to log rich habitat created by the Rim Fire in remote areas of the Stanislaus National…
Read MoreACTION ALERT: Tell Sierra Nevada Conservancy – #ProtectRimFire Forests and Wildlife from Logging
Nature’s Resiliency on full display in Rim Fire. Don’t Cut down my home for biomass energy!
Read MoreACTION NEEDED: Sierra Nevada Conservancy Biomass Logging Threatens Rim Fire Burn Area Recovery!
May 3, 2018: In 2013 the Rim Fire burned 257,000 acres in/near Yosemite, now the resilience of our native forests is on full display!
Read MoreRepublican’s 2018 Farm Bill: Forget Nutrition, Let’s Cutdown our Public Land Forests Instead!
April 27, 2018: In a partisan move, Republicans in Congress have decided that instead of being the lungs of our planet, or, you know, ecosystems which give us clean air, clean water, offer the best carbon storage and sequestration and provide refuge for both wildlife and people alike, our Forests are crops and only…
Read MoreProtecting America’s Forests From Logging is Necessary to Reach Climate Goals
April 25, 2018: Climate Change is happening, temperature on the Earth is rising, in fact 17 U.S. towns are starting to relocate due to climate caused sea level rise. So how does forest protection factor into this equation? Most people understand that protecting rainforests in Brazil and Indonesia is essential to combat the impacts of…
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